Shared reading lessons, reading comprehension prompts, posters, visuals, graphic organizers, rubrics, and assessments for teaching reading comprehension to second grade students!
This 500 page yearlong guide will teach your students how to comprehend texts and respond to them in writing.
These lessons have you read aloud fiction and nonfiction books to students, displaying the texts so that your students can see the words. You will model and release responsibility to students for using comprehension strategies. You will also use the texts to teach vocabulary.
Additionally, you will model written responses to the texts for your students (sample responses are provided for each prompt). You will teach your students how to answer text-based questions based upon the books you read together.
Here's what's included in the curriculum:
- 5 units that will last the entire school year
- Clear goals and Common Core alignment for each unit
- 2-3 complete lesson plans per week (79 in all)
- Suggested texts and lesson structures for the remaining days in each week
- Writing prompts, rubrics, and sample responses for each week of the year
- Parent letters
- Posters
- Graphic organizers
- Unit assessments (5 total)
The curriculum covers ALL of the second grade Common Core standards for literature and informational text.
To view a video about this resource, please click !
Please also be sure to view the preview file before you purchase. The preview document describes what skills are covered and when and explains how the curriculum is used. In the preview file, you will also find a list of the texts used in the curriculum.
The curriculum was written to go hand-in-hand with my Reading Workshop Units 1-5 for second grade. The reading workshop units are designed as minilessons for reading workshop or teaching reading in small groups/individually. Using this shared reading curriculum with the mini lessons will reinforce the concepts covered in the reading workshop. To check out my Reading Workshop series, click .
To see a complete list of and links for the texts I use in the lessons, click .
Please ask any questions you may have before purchasing! If you would like to purchase Unit 1 and try it out, please do so . Then, contact me at [email protected] so that I can give you a discount when you buy this bundle.
For a catalog with more information about all of my literacy curriculum products, click .
By: Learning At The Primary Pond