This is a set of Kindergarten narrative writing prompts designed to help you differentiate during writing time!
Each prompt comes with several graphic organizers, many options for drafting paper (with built-in scaffolds), and publishing/final draft paper.
The built in-scaffolds are included directly on the printable drafting papers. You can easily print out 2-3 versions of paper for the same prompt - and give different groups of students different types of paper, depending upon their needs.
The scaffolds include sentence starters, word banks, and self-assessment checklists.
Sentence starters are great for helping students structure their writing, use transition words, and write in complete sentences.
Word banks provide language and vocabulary support.
Self-assessment checklists help students learn to routinely self-assess their writing. They also help “fast finishers” slow down, edit, and revise their work!
Additionally, all graphic organizers and drafting papers include the prompt and a visual representation of the prompt to ensure that students understand the writing task.
The materials in this resource will:
- Allow you to quickly and easily differentiate your writing instruction
- Provide guidance and a consistent structure to help students learn the stages in the writing process
- Support English language learners, students with special needs, and struggling writers
- Help you cut down on planning time (these are all “print and go,” no prep resources!)
Here’s what’s included:
- 20 different narrative writing prompts designed for Kindergarten students
- A full page poster for each prompt - great for introducing the prompt and/or creating bulletin board displays
- 1-3 graphic organizer options per prompt
- 12 different options for drafting paper per prompt (variations in the scaffolds provided, as well as the number of lines on the page)
- 3 different options for publishing or final draft paper per prompt
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By: Learning At The Primary Pond